Embark on a mythical quest with our Disney Onward Cardboard Cutouts, featuring the main characters from the enchanting animated film. This collection includes the teenage elf brothers, Ian and Barley Lightfoot, who set out on an extraordinary adventure to discover if there is still magic left in their world. Perfect for fans of the movie, themed parties, or as inspiring decor in any child’s room, these cutouts capture the spirit of adventure and brotherly love that "Onward" celebrates.
Ideal for adding a touch of fantasy and exploration, these cardboard cutouts are great for enhancing movie-themed events, decorating play areas, or creating an engaging atmosphere in libraries or classrooms. Each character is depicted in vibrant detail, showcasing their distinctive features and magical attire, making them perfect for photo opportunities and adding an adventurous touch to any decor.
Utilize these standees to inspire storytelling at birthday parties, as exciting additions to family movie nights, or as captivating elements in storytelling corners at schools or bookstores. They're also excellent for use in promotions at cinemas during movie releases or special screenings, adding a distinctive and inviting element that attracts and delights young fans and families.
Crafted with attention to detail, each cutout features high-resolution imagery that captures the whimsical and heartwarming essence of the Onward characters. Made from durable, high-quality corrugated cardboard, they are designed to last and include an easel back for easy setup. These cutouts stand independently, making them versatile for various display settings and easy to move and reposition as needed.
With free shipping on every order, bringing the magic and charm of Disney's Onward into your event or decor is both simple and affordable. Our Disney Onward Cardboard Cutouts offer a fantastic way to celebrate the themes of discovery, family, and the power of belief that the film embodies.